Moving Chips to Winning Areas: “The Past Posting”
Many gamblers move or add additional chips on the roulette mat without giving anything away. This feat is mastered by bet takers: it’s a form of sleight of hand and outright cheating.
A different system of cheating or sneaking is less common than the first. For this method, you must intentionally delay placing your chips. Then, the dealer will refuse your bet and tell you to take back your chips. In doing so, you also place chips of your partner’s color. This method of sneaking at roulette is specific to English roulette, where each bettor is assigned a color for their chips.
A group fraud maneuver is also available in the same vein. The first team member moves a chip to the winning area before the payout and the collection of chips by the table manager. The rest of the group distracts the dealer to allow him to manipulate.
At the moment the result is known, one teammate shouts to capture the dealer’s attention, another makes jerky movements to occupy his gaze. It is during this brief window that the past posting is performed by the third on the numbers that came up, but it is a different player who claims the profits of the fraud.
This type of scam can, of course, be spotted with the establishment’s surveillance cameras.
Rigged Roulettes
The precursor of cheating is named Joseph Jagger. It was in Monaco that he accomplished his feats in 1873. His method was to identify the pockets that the ball occupied most often. To avoid this type of deceit, gaming establishments monitor the outcomes produced by the roulettes and perform periodic recalibration to always maintain a large element of chance in the numbers that come out.
It remains to be seen if the system is effective, especially with the advent of all the new technologies.
A Recording on Ways to Cheat at Roulette
Examples of delayed betting and chip moving are contained in this sequence in English: don’t panic if you don’t understand the English language, they show the gestures, you will easily grasp.
This method of cheating can be conveniently demonstrated by casinos: by replaying footage of the game, one can observe the manipulation on the chips. With this type of maneuver, you can get arrested!
Thirsty to triumph effortlessly at roulette? Without any cheating?
What if, to succeed in your bets, you were first aware of the technique to reverse the trend of gains at the casino? First, prioritize bets on simple chances and European roulette to play.